Day 73 – Fish Nugget Friday

Breaded Fish Nuggets with Green Beans or Macaroni au Gratin…..I guess if you make anything into a “nugget”, kids will eat it….or not.  The popular choice for today was the Macaroni au Gratin, aka Mac and Cheese!

Crunchy celery

Lot’s of orange!

That darn strawberry milk was back…and it was quite popular today 😦

Big,supplemental orange drink brought from home.

More fruit and vegetable choices today: oranges, pears, celery, green beans, and what is called “strawberry cup”…

Milk count:  6 white, 12 chocolate.


7 thoughts on “Day 73 – Fish Nugget Friday

      • I would except when you see what the kids bring from home. When I worked k-3 I saw things like a pack of saltines with a bottle of pepsi and cupcakes. Ive seen Lunch boxes with the
        Previous days food forgotten inside, and seen bags of chips. We have to do better with what we serve,but I think maybe we need to better educate what Is proper to bring in a lunch. we want to fuel these kids with the good stuff. More and more can’t afford nutritious foods. It is a very hard situation.

        • Hi Linda,
          I agree! It all starts at home! I know it is difficult sometimes to make ends meet, but large bags of chips and bags of cookies are just not good choices. Fresh fruit and a sandwich would do just fine. I see a lot of “sports” drinks as well….not a good choice for sedentary kids! We are trying to educate the kids in the classroom about nutrition, and parents need to be informed as well!

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