Day 51 Corn, Spaghetti, and Yogurt Trio

Spaghetti and four meatballs….  and don’t forget the corn….

More corn….not one, but two ears!

Looks like there was some thought put in to the fruit arrangement with the peaches.

I like how the applesauce has been slashed….don’t the noodles look funny?!

Day 50 Welcome Back with Chicken Nuggets!

Oh, too much turkey and mashed potatoes?  Welcome back to Chicken Nuggets and ta da….Taco Triangles!!  Comfort food at it’s finest…forget about the turkey and stuffing from last week….

Ok….this was just creepy….I thought it was taco sauce on the nuggets, but it was ketchup….what in the world?!…how old is that ketchup??!!!

I don’t know….still think it was not ketchup!  The kids told me it was ketchup and I saw the packet….hmmmm.

Taco Triangles…que rico!!

Cool double tots!


When kids run with food….

“Hey, this looks like a face.”

Day 49 Holiday Dinner…for Lunch!

Today is Friday and it is the last day before we go on break/furlough days for the Thanksgiving holiday….which means, according to the menu, Holiday Dinner! Mmmm, turkey and gravy with stuffing and broccoli….take a look…

The gravy looks a bit watery/gelatinous…not too creamy….stuffing looks good!

Kudos to the cafeteria staff for offering a holiday meal….I don’t think it was quite as popular as the lasagna today, or the pb&j Uncrustable, for that matter!!

One of my students only wanted this to eat 😦

Apple drinking milk.

This is the tray they were serving to the staff.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving….will return  a week from Monday, on the 29th!


Day 48 Is it Friday yet?

Well, Chalupa and Toasted Cheese were the culinary treats for today…. I think it actually looks better than it tastes….and that’s not saying much! 🙂

Happy Toasted Cheese Thursday!

Chalupa time!

Frozen Orange Juice Cup…but it’s not a cup!!!

Looking forward to tomorrow…it says Holiday Dinner on the menu…can’t wait!

Day 44 Mac and Cheese and Fish Nuggets please!

Breaded Fish Nuggets with Green Peas on the menu….Green Beans is close enough, I guess!

Gatorade is a sports drink meant hydrate and to replenish the electrolytes that are lost through perspiration during exercise and physical activity…it is not a fruit punch beverage to drink with your lunch!!


Macaroni au Gratin…always a hit!

I especially like when it is served with potato wedges….extra carb goodness!!

This student brought a sandwich as well…doesn’t like the crusts!!

Random sights…

What if your child only ate potato wedges and frozen strawberry ice?

Squeeze pop?????? Blech!!

Oranges in a bag…



Day 43 Define Deluxe

It is called Deluxe Meat and Cheese, I want to know what qualifies it as deluxe?  Is it the 100% quality cheese, or the 100% quality ground beef?  I wish I knew?!  I just can’t tell by how it looks…or tastes…

Which brings us to the Deli Turkey Submarine on Wheat…

One student chose this because they didn’t want the nachos, but they didn’t want this sandwich either….so I guess it was the lesser of two entrees.

When in doubt, bring Lunchables!

C’mon LAUSD, let Jamie help us!!!!


L.A. school district doesn’t bite at ‘Food Revolution’ chef’s offer

English chef Jamie Oliver is bringing his reality show to L.A. The district says it will keep working with its own nutrition experts and advocates to make school meals more healthful.

Chowing downEnglish chef Jamie Oliver prepares his own type of chicken nuggets for schoolchildren in Huntington, W.Va., in an episode of his reality show, “Food Revolution.” He was in town to help make the city’s school lunches more healthful — an endeavor that met with resistance from campus cooks. (Holly Farrell, ABC / November 6, 2010)
Jamie Oliver, the English chef who took on the “lunch ladies” of Huntington, W.Va., in an attempt to make school food more healthful, has been told thanks but no thanks by the Los Angeles Unified School District

“Our feeling was that his time would be better spent or invested in other communities,” Melissa Infusino, the director of partnerships in the superintendent’s office, said Friday.

Oliver is bringing his “Food Revolution” reality television show to L.A. for its second season, and he and his family plan to move to the area in January, a spokeswoman said. ABC posted a casting notice on its website: “We’re searching for families with children who could use Jamie’s help in the kitchen to overcome the obstacles to healthy eating.”

But just what the show will focus on remains undecided.

“We are not prepared to comment about the show because it’s still in the creative stages,” said Amber Gereghty, an ABC publicity director. She said there would be an element involving schools.

L.A. Unified has written the supervising producer of the show, Joe Coleman, thanking him for “reaching out.”

“While we appreciate your interest in our school meal program, we believe our direct work with nutrition experts, health advocates, the community, schools and students is the most effective strategy for our continued success and improvement,” said the letter, signed by Infusino.

The Oct. 25 letter also said that taking part in the show could be too time-consuming.

The district has already been forced to shorten the school year and require roughly 40 furlough days a year, she noted. “Due to these budgetary challenges, participation in the ‘Food Revolution’ program would prevent us from committing 100% of our efforts to our students,” the letter said.

Infusino said Friday that she had talked with Coleman about other ways “Food Revolution” might be helpful, including working in neighborhoods on such issues as food “deserts”: places with little access to affordable fresh produce and other healthful groceries

Infusino wrote Coleman that his efforts “are in perfect alignment” with the mission of L.A. Unified’s food service program to promote health and healthful food. She cited the school board’s 2004 ban of soda sales in schools and its votes to ban the sale of junk food and reform the nutritional value of meals.

Oliver has railed against flavored milk and says schools should serve less processed food and more that’s cooked from scratch. But some authorities say that if schools don’t offer chocolate milk, children will miss out on the nutrients in milk. And processed food often is cheaper than fresh.

Megan Hanson, an advocate for improvements in school food, said campuses should welcome Oliver.

“I think it would be a good thing if they loosened up and let some light in. They just keep resisting what seems to be inevitable change,” said Hanson, executive director of RootDown LA, which works with South L.A. high school students to improve nutrition.

Oliver’s efforts to improve the school lunch in West Virginia proved to be popular television, as he encountered resistance from cafeteria staff and talked to children who couldn’t identify common fruits and vegetables. To make his points, the British chef with the just-out-of-bed hairstyle went so far as to dress up as a pea pod and run around the school grounds. He seemed to have made some progress by the end of his stay.

Rhonda McCoy, Cabell County school district food services director, didn’t return phone calls seeking comment. When the district called West Virginia to discuss the experience, people replied with “no comment,” Infusino said.

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