Day 64 Sides Galore!

Today I actually bought the lunch.  The choices were Grilled Cheese or Lasagna.  I chose the Lasagna.  It actually isn’t too bad….tastes comparable to the frozen ones.  But I was amazed by what came with it: French fries, edamame, apple slices, a pear, and a juice!  That’s a lot of food….I think they were cleaning out the walk-in, so they had to get rid of everything before we went on Winter Break!  Just not so sure about the french fries….

Happy Holidays to all!!

We will be back on Monday, January 10th!!  Happy New Year!!


Day 63 Guilty….Class Christmas Party!

Yes…I know….healthy choices and good nutrition is what we talk about all the time.  Trying to instill good eating habits….but one day out of the year can’t be all that bad, right?!

I brought the pizza and the kids signed up to bring the rest….we did have more fruit on the list, but this is what showed up!  We did have carrots, grapes, and water!

Now for the not so healthy stuff…

At least these were homemade…

That is all for today….tomorrow is Friday!


Day 61 Chicken Patty=Giant Chicken Nugget

Today’s lunch choice included Breaded Chicken Patty Sandwich, Spaghetti and Meatballs, and of course, the Yogurt Trio!  We just had Chicken Nuggets yesterday, so I don’t think they should serve the Chicken Patty so soon…it’s just like a giant Chicken Nugget!!

Spaghetti and Meatballs!

Awww…what a coincidence!

Yogurt Trio!

I think they have been serving the bag o’ grapes all week long….must be cleaning the fridge before break!

Day 57 – Breakfast on a Stick

I was looking at the breakfast menu, and I saw that today they were serving Breakfast on a Stick…”Wow, what could that be?” I wondered.  Well, I must say I was a bit disappointed, since there was no actual stick involved!!  Here it is:

On to lunch…Deluxe Meat and Cheese!!

banana boat…

supplemental sides…

Also serving….Bean and Cheese Burrito and Uncrustables….  I liked the kid that took off the “crust” of the Uncrustable!!!

Remember…the Burrito says: Say No to Drugs! (Day 53)